Monday, August 30, 2010

The Heritage of Egypt

Issue 1 – January 2008

Book Data
Author: Amgad Refai (Editor)
Publisher: Al-Hadara Publishing
Date: 2008
Language: English/ Arabic
Pages: 51
DDC: 900
Format: PDF
The Heritage of Egypt was launched in 2008 and is the first publication relating to the history, archaeology, and legacy of Egypt that is edited, produced, and owned in Egypt; this gives the publication a unique perspective on the complex histories of ancient and modern Egypt.


The Burial of Hatshepsut
Dylan Bickerstaffe

By the Rivers of "Bab-il-On": Egyptians Present an Intimate Portrait of their Christian Heritage
Kelly L. Krause

The Emptiness of Old Kingdom Tombs
Wolfram Grajetzki

Conservation in Egypt a state of the nation report
Nigel J. Hetherington

British Museum Flying East Treasures of the World`s Culture
The British Museum after 250 years at Hong Kong Museum of Art
Ada Cheng

نشأة وتطور الكتابة فى مصر القديمة
أ.د. عبد الحليم نور الدين

قصبة القاهرة الفاطمية- نشأة الشارع التجارى والقياسر والأسواق
د. محمد بهاء الدين محمد جمال الدين

الآثار الغارقة فى الإسكندرية
أ.د. عزت زكى قادوس
* The magazine conatins essays in both English & Arabic.

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Compendious Grammar Of The Egyptian Language

As Contained In The Coptic, Sahidic, And Bashmuric Dialects.

Book Data
Author: Henry Tattam
Publisher: Williams & Norgate
Date: 1863
Language: Coptic - English
Pages: 164
DDC: 490
ISBN: 9781436625739
Format: PDF
Egyptian Literature has of late years attracted particular attention. All that has come down to us of the Language and Literature of ancient Egypt is contained in the Coptic, Sahidic, and Bashmuric Dialects; and in the Enchorial, Hieratic, and Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, and Manuscripts. The importance of the Ancient Egyptian Language to the Antiquary, will at once appear, when we consider that the knowledge of it is necessary before the inscriptions on the Monuments of Egypt can be properly understood, and the Enchorial and Hieratic Manuscripts can be fully deciphered. Nor is it of less importance to the Biblical Student, The Egyptian Versions are supposed to have been made about the second century; and if they were not the first, they certainly were among the most early Translations of the Scriptures into the Languages of the East: and perhaps the Egyptian New Testament is of equal or even of greater authority than any of the ancient Versions.
* This is one of the oldest books in English about Coptic Grammar, It gives a good idea about the Coptic Language as spoken by Copts in the 19th Century.
Page numbered & bookmarks added by BiblioKimi.


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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Histoire de l'Art Égyptien

Atlas II

Book Data
Author: Prisse D'Avennes
Publisher: Bertrand
Date: 1878
Language: French
Pages: 101
DDC: 700
Format: PDF
Émile Prisse d'Avesnes (d'Avennes) (1807-1879) was an important mid-19th century French Egyptologist. He was a soldier, engineer, writer, illustrator and talented linguist.
From 1827 to 1844 d'Avesnes resided in Egypt, teaching cartography and working as an engineer for a time, but eventually he devoted himself to documenting and studying the archaeological treasures from ancient Egypt.
He published a number of Egypt-centric works in the decade following his return to France. The most important of d'Avesnes' publications was released in installments over ten years and eventually compiled into a three volume work (one text and two illustrated atlases) in 1878 entitled: 'Histoire de l'Art Égyptien: d'après les Monuments; Depuis les Temps les Plus Reculés Jusqu'à la Domination Romaine' (~The history of Egyptian art from monuments from the earliest times up to Roman occupation). This Volume is the 2nd illustrated Atlas in d'Avesnes work, dedicated to Ancient Egyptian Design, Painting and Industrial Art.
* Cover & bookmarks added by BiblioKimi.

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Histoire de l'Art Égyptien

Atlas I

Book Data
Author: Prisse D'Avennes
Publisher: Bertrand
Date: 1878
Language: French
Pages: 68
DDC: 700
Format: PDF
Émile Prisse d'Avesnes (d'Avennes) (1807-1879) was an important mid-19th century French Egyptologist. He was a soldier, engineer, writer, illustrator and talented linguist.
From 1827 to 1844 d'Avesnes resided in Egypt, teaching cartography and working as an engineer for a time, but eventually he devoted himself to documenting and studying the archaeological treasures from ancient Egypt.
He published a number of Egypt-centric works in the decade following his return to France. The most important of d'Avesnes' publications was released in installments over ten years and eventually compiled into a three volume work (one text and two illustrated atlases) in 1878 entitled: 'Histoire de l'Art Égyptien: d'après les Monuments; Depuis les Temps les Plus Reculés Jusqu'à la Domination Romaine' (~The history of Egyptian art from monuments from the earliest times up to Roman occupation). This Volume is the 1st illustrated Atlas in d'Avesnes work, dedicated to Ancient Egyptian Architecture.
* Cover & bookmarks added by BiblioKimi.

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

A History of Egypt under Roman Rule

A History of Egypt, Volume 5

Book Data
Author: J. Grafton Milne
Publisher: Methuen & Co. Ltd.
Date: 1913 (2nd ed.)
Language: English
Pages: 289
DDC: 930
ISBN: 0890055106 (for 1992 edition)
Format: PDF
A History Of Egypt Under Roman Rule published in 1913 by J. Grafton Milne covers the following topics; the organization of Egypt under the Romans, Roman rule beginning in 30 B C, a century of prosperity beginning in 68 A D, the decay of the provincial system, the struggle between the state and the church, the establishment of the supremacy of the Christian church, the union of temporal and religious powers, revenues and taxation in Egypt, life in the towns and villages, Roman garrisons, prefects of Egypt, and inscriptions in the Ghizeh museum.

* Cover redesigned and bookmarks added by BiblioKimi.


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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Coptic Contribution

To Christian Civilization

Book Data
Author: Aziz S. Atiya
Publisher: St. George Coptic Church, Canada
Date: N/A
Language: English
Pages: 39
DDC: 280
Format: PDF
Like a great and solitary Egyptian temple standing sorrowfully on the edge of the desert and weathering sandstorms over the years until it became submerged by the accretions of time, the ancient Coptic Church led its lonely life unnoticed on the fringe of Christian civilization and was buried in the sands of time and oblivion. Like the same massive temple, too, it has proved itself to be indestructible though battered by the winds of change. As an organism, its potential vitality though enfeebled by sustained fighting, has survived in a latent form under the weight of accumulated rubble. In the last few decades, with increasing security and liberty from within and support and sympathy from
without, its sons have started removing the sands of time from around the edifice, which has shown signs of shining again.

* Cover Designed & Bookmarks added by BiblioKimi.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Manual of Egyptian Archaeology

And guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt for the use of Students and travelers

Book Data
Author: Gaston Maspero
Publisher: H. Grevel & Co.
Date: 1914 (6th ed.)
Language: English
Pages: 385
DDC: 930
ISBN: 9780554054117
Format: PDF
Comprehensive in its scope but thoroughly entertaining to read, this delightful is a primer for the infrastructure and arts of the ancient Egyptians, much of which can still be visited and marveled at today. From a look at civil and military architecture -including private dwellings and fortresses -as well as temples and tombs, to a prcis on the fine and industrial arts -from painting and sculpture to pottery, ivory, and metal-this is all you need to know to begin exploring the lost realms of ancient Egypt.

French Egyptologist Sir Gaston Camille Charles Maspero (1846-1916) served as director of the Egyptian Antiquities Service and the Egyptian Museum in Cairo from 1881 to 1886, and again from 1899 to 1914. Perhaps the most prolific author on the subject ever, he also wrote The Dawn of Civilization (1884), The Struggle of Nations (1897), and The Passing of the Empires (1900).
* ISBN prrovided is for a more recent edition. Covers & Bookmarks are added by BiblioKimi.


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Monday, August 23, 2010

Thus Wrote 'Onchsheshonqy

An Introductory Grammar of Demotic

Book Data
Author: Janet H. Johnson
Publisher: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
Date: 1991
Language: English
Pages: 126
DDC: 490
ISBN: 0918986761
Format: PDF
Demotic is the name applied to both a script and a stage in the development of the Egyptian language. The stage of the language called Demotic shows affinities with both Late Egyptian, its predecessor, and Coptic, its successor. It was presumably much closer to the spoken language, especially when it first came into use, than was the archaic "classical" language preserved in religious texts and hieroglyphic inscriptions. The Demotic script is the most cursive one developed by the Egyptians. It was first used under Psammetichus I (ca. 650 B.C.), early in the Twenty-sixth, or Saite, Dynasty. By the end of that dynasty, Demotic had become the standard script for business and everyday affairs.
This grammar is intended solely as a teaching aid. It does not intend to be a reference grammar for Demotic as a whole or even for the text of 'Onchsheshonqy from which the vast majority of the examples are taken. The examples are presented in as "clean" a form as possible in order to aid recognition by the beginning student.

* Cover & Bookmarks added by BiblioKimi.
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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lost Nubia

A Centennial Exhibit of Photographs from the 1905-1907 Egyptian Expedition of the University of Chicago

Book Data
Author: John A. Larson
Publisher: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
Date: 2005
Language: English
Pages: 130
DDC: 900
ISBN: 9781885923455
Format: PDF
This book is the catalogue for the inaugural exhibit of fifty-two historic photographs from the Oriental Institute Archives of objects from ancient Nubia. These photographic images document some of the archaeological sites in Nubia that have disappeared under the waters of Lake Nasser and a few places that are so remote that few tourists have ever seen them. These documentary images, taken during the consecutive winter field seasons of 1905-1906 and 1906-1907, represent just a small part of a corpus of nearly 1,200 black-and-white negatives that were made by the Egyptian Expedition of the University of Chicago, under the direction of James Henry Breasted.

* Cover & Bookmarks added by BiblioKimi.
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Friday, August 20, 2010

Churches in Lower Nubia

Book Data
Author: Geoffrey S. Mileham, D. Randall-MacIver (Editor)
Publisher: University Museum of Philadelphia
Date: 1910
Language: English
Pages: 120
DDC: 910
Format: PDF
This volume records the results of explorations in Egypt, conducted on behalf of the University of Pennsylvania, in January, 1907.
The author is an English architect who was attached to the staff during the seasons of 1908 and 1909, for the special purpose of making technical studies of the Early Christian buildings of Lower Nubia.
It is hoped that this book may serve to awaken public interest in a subject which has hitherto been much neglected, the history of Early Christian architecture in Egypt. It is our aim to show that this is worthy of study, both for its own sake and in connection with the Byzantine architecture of Europe and Asia. We present this memoir in the form of a simple record of observations, preferring to leave to future writers who may command a greater store of comparative material the task of drawing historical analogies and conclusions.

* Reformatted & Bookmarks added by BiblioKimi.


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Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Coptic Version of the New Testament IV

In the Northern Dialect, Volume IV

Book Data
Author: George William Horner (Editor)
Publisher: Clarendon Press
Date: 1898
Language: Coptic - English
Pages: 616
DDC: 220
Format: PDF
With introduction, critical apparatus, and literal English translation
"This edition of the North Coptic Version of the New Testament was undertaken at the suggestion of Dr. Wallis Budge, Keeper of the Egyptian Department of the British Museum. The original idea was to ascertain the character of the MSS., and to print a text with various readings of ten or twelve authorities. After the collation of thirty MSS. of the Gospel of S. Matthew, of three Lectionaries, of the Curzon Catena, and the sufficient examination, of six other MSS-, it seemed best to give the result of this work in full, thereby saving the labour and time of other investigators in a somewhat thankless field, where the recent date of all the MSS. deprives them of great interest."

Volume IV
Contains the Catholic Epistles and the Acts of the Apostles; edited from MS. Oriental 424; the Apocalypse; edited from MS Curzon 128 in the care of the British Museum.
* Page numbered & bookmarks for all scripture chapters are added by BiblioKimi.


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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Coptic Version of the New Testament III

In the Northern Dialect, Volume III

Book Data
Author: George William Horner (Editor)
Publisher: Clarendon Press
Date: 1898
Language: Coptic - English
Pages: 712
DDC: 220
Format: PDF
With introduction, critical apparatus, and literal English translation
"This edition of the North Coptic Version of the New Testament was undertaken at the suggestion of Dr. Wallis Budge, Keeper of the Egyptian Department of the British Museum. The original idea was to ascertain the character of the MSS., and to print a text with various readings of ten or twelve authorities. After the collation of thirty MSS. of the Gospel of S. Matthew, of three Lectionaries, of the Curzon Catena, and the sufficient examination, of six other MSS-, it seemed best to give the result of this work in full, thereby saving the labour and time of other investigators in a somewhat thankless field, where the recent date of all the MSS. deprives them of great interest."

Volume III
Contains the Epistles of S. Paul; edited from MS. Oriental 424 in the British Museum.
* Page numbered & bookmarks for all scripture chapters are added by BiblioKimi.


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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Coptic Version of the New Testament II

In the Northern Dialect, Volume II

Book Data
Author: George William Horner (Editor)
Publisher: Clarendon Press
Date: 1898
Language: Coptic - English
Pages: 608
DDC: 220
Format: PDF
With introduction, critical apparatus, and literal English translation
"This edition of the North Coptic Version of the New Testament was undertaken at the suggestion of Dr. Wallis Budge, Keeper of the Egyptian Department of the British Museum. The original idea was to ascertain the character of the MSS., and to print a text with various readings of ten or twelve authorities. After the collation of thirty MSS. of the Gospel of S. Matthew, of three Lectionaries, of the Curzon Catena, and the sufficient examination, of six other MSS-, it seemed best to give the result of this work in full, thereby saving the labour and time of other investigators in a somewhat thankless field, where the recent date of all the MSS. deprives them of great interest."

Volume II
Contains the Gospels of S. Luke and S. John edited from MS. Huntington 17 in the Bodleian Library.
* Page numbered & bookmarks for all scripture chapters are added by BiblioKimi.


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